Are you here because you can’t focus ? Just Breathe!
Simple ‘eh ? Or you were expecting complex remedies, treatments or consultations, just like genius people give. Duh, it is way simpler this way as all you need to do is Just Breathe. Yes, if you want to increase focus, then you need to decrease stress. Scientifically, we say Focus is Inversely Proportional to Stress. If it doesn’t make sense, screw it or rather Just Breathe it! 😀
This article explains how to improve focus and what looses your focus, and to know more just keep reading and breathing!
What Looses Focus ?
Our 3 pounder, Mr. Brain, consumes about 25% of oxygen we inhale. Somehow, if that percentage lowers down, for instance 24.5%, our brain lose focus and short-term memory gets affected. Hence, oxygen depletion in body causes loss of focus which states that you are not breathing. So Just Breathe.
Guess what, even a yawn indicates that you are not getting enough oxygen. A common belief about yawning is that time to take quick nap and you end up consuming caffeine or nicotine. Why not Just Breathe and retain ability to concentrate, effortlessly ?
How to Loose Stress ?
One of the top hit keyword on Google “How to Loose Stress”. Hah, I wish Google could simply result Just Breathe, within a JavaScript Pop-up rather confusing people to choose best one. I know, how it feels being in a stressed state, you feel depressed, anxious and what not, you feel like committing suicide or murdering someone.
It happens because, Mr. Brain dwell us into a subconscious state, where we lose focus and get stressed (also indicates oxygen depleting in our body). Trust Me, if you can Just Breathe, you will never feel stress, even in worst and tensing situations.
Why so much Breathe ?
Don’t worry it will not blow out your lungs! Many people out there, must be wondering why am I highlighting Just Breathe a lot. Well, it might look uneasy but my motive here is to make you conscious about why breathing is equally important rather surfing and reading an article on Internet. If it makes sense to you now, then why don’t you Just Breathe it off. 🙂
Facts About Breathe
Below are few fun facts about breathing:
- Breathing removes 70% of waste from the body, whereas skin, urine etc. drains 30% of waste.
- Healthy Person takes-in about 22,000 Breaths in 24 hours, which is about 90 Pounds of Oxygen.
- Yawns and Sighs indicates depletion of oxygen in a body. So Just Breathe!
FREE tips to Improve Focus & Breathe (only if you feel like)
- Make a sticky note saying “Just Breathe” and put it in front of you. (Especially for people with sitting jobs)
- Download Wallpaper with word saying “Just Breathe” and place it on your Mobile / Laptop / Computer desktop screen. (Especially for people with IT & Computer jobs)
- Write “Just Breathe” on A4 sheet paper, frame it and put it on Wall, or fix it on a car’s dashboard. (Works with everyone)
If I am missing something above, you can share it with us by posting a comment below. There is nothing much to conclude in this article and I will end up saying
To live each moment, Just Focus.
To focus each moment, Just Breathe.
Share it with People, especially whom you Care about. It’s a priceless & effortless exercise, so don’t forget to ____ _______! 😀