Lets Create Something New

Homemade Reusable Safety Masks, Lip Balms & Bracelets | Diya-Tanya Sisters & Young Entrepreneurs

It’s an era of do-it-yourself or DIY things like lip balms, paperweights, bracelets; coming back to life. Especially, working with young people and utilising their energy & enthusiasm for handmade crafts comes out effortlessly. Likewise, a team of two sisters, Diya & Tanya from the United States of America, shares the concept of Young Entrepreneurs. They make homemade reusable safety masks, lip balms or chapsticks, bracelets and even donate them for social causes.

About The Sisters

Diya, the elder one, does most of the work, where Tanya, the younger sister, is her helping hand. Diya inherited her sewing techniques from their Grandma who lives in India. She is very passionate about what she has in mind, and believes that must come to life. Bravo!

Homemade & Reusable Safety Masks for PPE

Today, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, there is a shortage of resources in the market. Similarly, there are limited safety face masks in the neighbourhood, or in the locked down zones. For the reason that, the sisters are transforming their creative skills to make handmade reusable safety masks and deliver it in the neighbourhood. Because these face masks are now the part of daily regime and P.P.E. or Personal Protective Equipment, therefore the girls are fighting to end the coronavirus pandemic. Guess, the supreme power is with them, of course not the genius.

Food Flavour Fragrance Lip Balms or Natural Chapsticks

The next amazing thing, the sisters added to their creative bucket were flavoured chapsticks. The intoxicating scented homegrown Chapsticks come in Cupcake, Chocolate, Shimmering Honey and something labeled as Original flavours. These honey-bees share secrets only with nature. 😀 Also, the food fragrance lip balms smells great, but that does not mean that you eat them. Check below why Diya-Tanya are passionate about making homemade lip balms.

Upon selling the first lot of samples at their mother’s office place, for a dollar, they certainly received commendable reviews on fragrance selection. Consequently, it’s enough boost to keep their creative juice flowing within. So, they enjoy being at home in the lockdown & create homemade goods.

Social Gifts – Designer Cards, Handcrafted Bracelets & Utility Pouches

Diya, getting ideas from different places, started working on the designer handmade bracelets. Likewise, we have worn friendship bands in our school days. So, Diya, inspired by the school, is making designer bracelets and utility pouches. Check below for more creative homemade bracelets, stationary or utility pouches, from Diya-Tanya sisters:

Questionnaire session with Young Enthusiasts

We asked a series of questions from the team and received some modest, yet sweet answers:

Q1. Tell us about yourself and how many members in your team?

A1. We are a team of two sisters and we enjoy making things together. We enjoy this because it’s fun to make things to use, you can experiment with different techniques, and you get a satisfaction that it’s something that you made and it’s different and unique than what’s already out there.

Q2. How did you get this idea or concept for the products?

A2. When I was in 5th grade, we had Business Day at my school, and you got to make and sell things for class money. It gave me an idea to start my own business where I could make and sell my own things. I started with simple things like headbands, bookmarks, greeting cards, paperweights, and slime, and now, I mainly make lip balm, pouches, bracelets, and greeting cards. Because of the pandemic and due to the shortage of masks, I began to sew masks as well, and I give them to my neighbours.

Q3. Who is your mentor?

A3. Last summer, when my grandma visited from India, she taught me sewing techniques, which helped me get better at my craft. I get my inspiration for what I make from many different places. I got my ideas for making lip balm from a lip balm making kit I got for my birthday, and I got the idea for bracelets from school, where bracelets were very common amongst the students.

Q4. Did you experience any problems or risks while working together?

A4. I refine my techniques through YouTube videos. When we are crafting, my sister and I are also constantly experimenting and taking risks. Sometimes, we face problems such as the lip balms coming out crumbly or the bracelets not closing correctly. We keep trying until we end up with something we are proud of.

Q5. How many Reusable Face Masks have you made?

A5. Till present we have made about 40 safety face masks.

Need Homemade Safety Masks?

In case you need handmade safety masks, natural lip balms or want to support this idea, then do get in touch with us using the contact form.

That’s all, folks…

The thought of young entrepreneurs amazes us. And, this story of the sisters, perhaps many of us can inherit from. We wish Diya & Tanya, all the very best for their future endeavours. Keep up the good work!

If you like their homemade safety masks, DIY bracelets or have feedback to make, then use Facebook discussion form after this article.

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