a moment of peace
I am not a Genius!

Isn’t it obvious, that you have a pair of beautiful eyes, to read this article? But, if there’s no eye sight then you may still listen to this article. This is because God has the ultimate balance for creation of living beings equally, grant them...

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Self-o-logy – noun [→ cel-fol-uh-jee] A study enriched with self and its exploration. An in-depth research of your exploration, your creation and to accept your being. A non-dictionary term, that defines itself, especially when you read about self. An evolving trend, just like ‘selfie’ is, you click where you stand. Why Selfology a Revolution? You know...

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Somewhere walking on this path of life you may experience a phase, where in spite of having a lot of options, resources & skills yet everything seems so negative. Whatever you do, goes waste and you find yourself standing in front of mirror, as a...

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